i got reviewed

I got reviewed.

Reminder that I have a new book out on July first. It will be released on Kindle and Kobo.

Links to stores available here.

a very detailed instruction

I made a short video on YouTube explaining how to be successful in the arts. It’s comprehensive, flawless, and unable to be embedded. Follow this link to get to it.

Also, I am very close to hitting 1000 subscribers. If you do subscribe to channels on YouTube, please consider following mine!

i am terrible at advertising

I have my new book available for presale on Kindle and Kobo.

I am terrible at telling people in a convincing way, so please share this post with your friends. I need help, and I know you’re all fantastic people!

Also, the release date is not until July 1st. That gives me time to look into other sources for distribution. If you have any ideas, leave me a comment or get hold of me directly, please!


I have been busy over the last 48-ish hours!

Gus now has pre-order links over on Kobo. I am currently looking into other sources outside of Kindle and Kobo, so if you have a place, please let me know!

Please, check out the “books” page for the links I have available right now!

Also, I have moved the release date to July first. I still have time to get things in order, and that includes my searching for reviewers. If you are or know of someone who does book reviews, please leave a comment on this page or email me directly (jygrdn[at]gmail[dot]com). Let’s work together.

Ten Years

Hey! Did you realize that it has been ten years since I first told the world that I was not dead? To be honest, it probably matters more to me than most, but ten years ago today, I posted for the first time on my FaceBook that I was still alive!

Since then, I have gone to school, wrote a book, kept this blog going, got married, got divorced, started a blog, wrote another book (more news on that soon) and lost my fucking mind!

I released a video the other day with details that the book did not go into, mostly because the situation is so nebulous. I still felt like they were important thing to talk about, however!

I know my updates have been few and far between as of late, but I want to get back to recifying that soon!

long delay

A month ago, I got into a discussion with someone. It came up (passively) that I was in a wheelchair, to which they responded with an “I’m sorry” and left the conversation. Immediatly, I was compelled to explain that I was not upset with my position. I wanted to share that, if it wasn’t for the wheelchair, I would still be constrained to a bed and I would probably have given up on everything, including living, long ago. I wanted to explain how a wheelchair is the opposite of a death sentence, as it gives the needed assistance to living a life and actually completing something: not just for the user, but for the greater web of society.

Then, before I said a word, I was already exhausted. I was offended that it was on me to explain that it was for the best. I was aghast that I was put into a position where I had to almost defend the entire wheelchair community to this one person who was clearly responding in bad faith.

I have left this topic alone because I wanted to make sure my head was clear enough to not respond with the text equivalent of gnashing teeth and frothing mouth. It is NOT on the part of the person who is disabled to explain why their disability is not a bad thing. The most that someone should say in response to hearing about their use of a wheelchair, or a hearing aid, or GLASSES is “how do you feel about that?” That should be the most direct question about the “situation” that should be asked or assumed.

Hell, I’m not even going to go further. If you don’t understand what I mean, talk to a person with a disability. Maybe get more information before defaulting to assuming that they are suffering all because they use a wheelchair or some other assistive device. Do NOT just show them that you feel sorry that they are different. That might not be your intent, but the words you choose to use do have weight.