too many ideas and plans…

As you may have noticed, I started a series where I talk about unknown or forgotten albums. I mean, you have no reason to know that it is going to be a series, seeing as I have only released one episode so far. Trust me, I have notes for weeks continuing on this topic.

…too many notes…

I have a scripts written for June — If You Speak Any Faster, Deftones — White Pony, Wintersleep — Untitled and Chevelle — Wonder What’s Next. I am twisting myself into knots figuring out which one I should pick. As soon as I do that, the next episode will be maybe 24 hours later. The nice thing is that I can feel from where to go from that point.

So; if you have ideas, pass ’em along!

OH: I started writing a thing about Poison the Well. Quickly, I found out that it’s hard to talk about one album from that band without diving hard into their entire catalog. Keep your eyes peeled, and consider subscribing to see that when it comes out.

Final note, Gus. comes out in 10 days! Consider pre-ordering your copy now!

I’m tossing around a new project…

Remember when I used to write up “reviews” for albums that I feel disappeared from the spotlight? I used to label them “Classic album reviews”, or something of the like. I have been wanting to create a kind of ongoing scheduled program on my YouTube channel, so I thought that I would go through each one of those.

To be totally transparent — I will need to rewrite them to not be terrible, figure out a voice to cast my thoughts in, and make them less self-referencial. They were written for this site, so they are full of links to songs a placements of videos.

Something I won’t even look into, because I don’t know where to start, is using licenced music in the reviews themselves. I think I will just have a running playlist for the recommended listening or best example song.

To be clear: this is all in the early planning phase. I won’t be rolling out episodes of this for another two months, if I do at all. I started moving all of the old text to a document, so step two is making it more of a script. That should take a week an episode, at least.

I put this out there now to see if anyone had thoughts? Reservations? Anyone want to remind me that I already have too much on my plate and cannot seem to balance what I have already piled?

Failed plans and big days…

Hi! I vanished for a lot longer than I meant, and I am sorry about that.

Also, how many times can I post an apology about vanishing in one year?

Anyway, reality is a Hellscape full of pain and dread, though there are so many things we can control that remain in our power. For instance, though I bailed on my 1K words a day plan pretty much day two, I do have an ongoing WIP that I am very excited to make a thing. Also, I have submitted to an agent the other day, so that’s a thing.

What else do I have to report…


Did you know that this year marks 10 years since I died?