a new thing about old music

I decided to take my old music review stuff I wrote on here years ago and update them for a different medium. Let me know how it is.

Classic Album Review :: Alexisonfire — Self Title

I just noticed that this album was almost 20 years old. I was in grade nine when then came out, I was just discovering scremo/emo, ska, and skate punk, I was very embroiled in the metal scene. Then, when watching some music video program way too late at night, I saw the debut for Pulmonary Archery. I did not get it, but Holy Fuck I loved it.

What’s absolutely brilliant about this album is how simple everything is if you remove the guitars. Yes, the guitar lines are incredibly ornate and demonstrate what can be done in punk music, but everything else is simple and fantastic! The bass drives the songs and keeps the structures attainable, the drums do little more than drive the beat, and the singing is just simple enough to get melodies trapped in your head forever. Even the screams are perfectly placed to ensure that you notice them.

Now, let’s get back to those guitars.

My prime example of how incredible the guitars are is the song Counterparts and Number Them. The parts individuly, though weird, are not difficult. The impressive part is in knowing they were ever not entwined. They bounce between being lead and rhythm every bar, and they never leave the listener bored. The best part about the guitar is that nothing, not even the drums, cast the dullest shadow.

There is something magical about how simple the drums are. They just compliment the music and never become overbearing. I think every not-real drummer in my high school could play Pulmonary Archery. Not as a slight! It just leant itself to being replicated.

Now I sound like an arrogant asshole so MOVING ON.

I started to write this, decided against it, and then discovered that they were inspired by Quicksand. I love that band to no end, but never hear anyone talk about them. I was forced into writing this because of that fact alone.

Seeing as there has been nothing this hard hitting in the punk-scene since Refused, and this is a fantastic tribute. I recognize that there have been other near-hits in regards to this sound, but nothing is near as iconic.


I have two pieces broken into pieces that just need to be organized. Both projects are about music, because of course they are. Both pieces I think are very important because the stories around each of the bands is strangely satisfying.

Band one is the good ol’ Canadian group Alexisonfire. I love this band, and I think they have done so much for music as a whole. Not to mention that they solidified genres, inspired millions, and created (arguably) one of the biggest acoustic acts in Canada to ever exist.

Band two is …And You Will Know Us By the Trail Of Dead. Not only does the band have one of the greatest names of all time, they have 25 years of history, released two of my favourite albums, and are just amazing through and through. Also, Wasted State Of Mind is quite possibly one of the greatest songs ever recorded. PLUS they just announced a new album recently. I cannot say that I’m too excited about that, seeing as I haven’t really cared for one of their albums as a whole since So Divided (2006).

So, that is a breakdown of what is dividing me right now. I am ignoring the fact that my book gets released this week because I could just write endlessly about that and I want to keep everything excited and everyone interested.

ON A SIDE NOTE: I am looking for a publishing agent. For an example of the work I have completed, read the book. I have another idea in the works already, and I hope to have the next book ready by this time next year.

I am going to post my two favourite songs from the albums I want to write about below. If you have an opinion on which one I should write about, let me know!